Mreowr! I just changed the layout... Enjoy! ^ ^ Also, my e-mail has changed! It's now... mymelody75[at]gmail[dot]com
Konnichiwa Minna. Here I am, again, updating this website! This is a new design that
I have never used before! I think it is lovely, and fits the nice winter-beauty theme. Its green and white, which reminds
me of snow on the trees! Anyways, I hope you like it! (I didn't forget Thanksgiving, but I like this layout!)
~Peace Out~
Hi everyone! Happy February! =) Have a wonderful time, and enjoy the celestial layout!!
It is pretty. ^^
Happy holidays, everyone! I have done a lot of updates, making this place look more
winter-ish. ^__^ That means that everyone who is celebrating Hanukkah right now or is looking foward to Christmas on the 25th
will have some fun looking at the new stuff here! Please visit the new page, The Ideal Gift. ^_^
Hey, just like I promised I have a fall/halloween time theme up! I hope you like this
theme! I sure do, the colours are really kewl. ^^ I will be adding a few sections up this month! Perhaps a fanfiction section...
what would you think of that? Please sign my guestbook and in the suggestions area, please tell me what section you would
like to see happenin' soon! Thank you! (Or email me at princess_sasami_jurai@hotmail.com )
It's that time of the year again.. back to school time! That is why the new layout is
"back to school" and it will stay this way until about October, because then I think we might have to have an october halloween-ish
layout! ^__^ This month I will be putting up new pages, like a fanfiction page and such. I cannot do fanart as of right now,
but I promise to get a page for that up soon as well. Have a great time during the first month of school, and may the good
times continue for you well into the school year! ^__^
Hi! I just updated Sasami's Lair by adding another brand new section! This one is all
about the Jurai royal family, with profiles about King Azusa, Lady Misaki, Lady Funaho, Yosho Jurai, Achika Masaki, and Tenchi
Masaki! Plus I made a family tree for it! Please enjoy this new section! ^___^
EVERYONE is probably wondering what I, the webmistress of this website, has been doing
for a month. (That's when I last updated) Well, I've been finishing the end-of-the-school-year projects, getting into summer,
and... this has been the first non-sunny day I've seen in a while, so I thought.. "what better way to spend an overcast day
than to update Sasami's Lair!" (actually the guilt just started to get to me.) Anyways... today I'm changing the looks of
this site, and making it summer-related! ^.^ yay!
JEEZ! Has it really been A MONTH since I last updated? ^__^;;;; Well then, I'm
terribly sorry about that. I just have been REALLY busy plus I sprained my ankle yesterday and had to sit in front of the
TV for the remainder of the day. =p Anyways.. today I added the rest of the submissions I've gotten. (wishes, adjectives...)
and did some basic clean-up to parts of the site. If I knew how, I would love to have one of those cool little pop-up windows
that would be the way you could surf my site.. but iie, I am no good at HTML. Sorry guys. ^-^ Anyways.. have a great weekend!
Today I didn't update tooo much, but I did get caught up with all of your wishes! Yep,
that's right... if you sent me a wish, then it should be up at my site. ^__^ If it is not here, then please send it to me
again. Oh, and I replaced my Jurai Community page with a page about Enchanted, my Tenchi Muyo RPG!!! Please think about joining,
it will be lots of fun. ^__^ Oh, I also deleted a lot entries on the updates part of my website. (This thing that you
are reading. ^-^) There was this huge space that was caused by those extra entries. ^_^;;;
Heya! Happy Easter, Happy April Fools, Happy April! ^__~ Guuuesss what? We now have
a contest hosted on Sasami's Lair! Please check out the contest page, as it is highly different from your normal contest!
:) Also, I'm hoping to update even more later, so check back again! ^___^
Just added a few links! Not too much done. =) I am still promising a special surprise
sometime in the future! ^_~
Sorry I haven't made updates in ten days... but I was sick for seven of them!
^_^;; I just made some minor updates again- like more wishes. =) I will add a bit update again soon! I promise I'll think
up a special surprise. ^_____^
I did some minor changes- like making the pictures bigger and such. ^__^ Oh, btw...
guess what? Sasami's Lair won an award!!! =D Thank you soo much Angel Eyes. ^__^ Check out the link to the Angel Eyes website
on my links page. =) I'll post more updates later! ^__^