1)Sasami is just darn cool. I mean, who COULDN'T like her? I know, I know.. I hear it ALL the time. "she's annoying..
she get's in people's way" Well, she may be a bit *too* hyper at times, but that's basically a lot like me so.. who's
talking? Hahaha...
2)Sasami is, although the youngest, probably the wisest besides Washu and Kiyone. [out of the girls. Tenchi is smart ;)]
Sasami also cares a LOT about Tenchi, but doesn't torture him. Isn't that good? :) While Ayeka and Ryoko are fighting, Sasami
is just being nice to everyone and cooking!
3)Cooking: that's another reason why I like her. Sasami cooks without wanting anything in return. She slaves away making
them dinner, and doesn't ask for them to slave away for her. :)
4)She's un-selfish....which is very true! Her big heart is full of love for everyone. :)
5)She loves Ayeka- YES! she loves her.. er.. odd sister! Sasami really TRULY cares for her. ^_^
6)Ryo-Ohki is really cute, and s/he is Sasami's best friend. :)
7)Sasami doesn't really fight with anyone [besides Ayeka] in the Tenchi gang. You can tell that Ryoko cares a lot for
Sasami and visa versa. [especially in the manga]
8)Sasami turns into Pretty Sammy! The super-heroine fights for love and protects people. :)
9)She loves animals! I love animals also. =) I think it's really cute how she cares for animals when they are hurt, and
makes friends with them.
10)She always makes friends with people. ^_^ I love that! Her personality is so great! Her kindness and her loving heart
really helps her make friends.
I'll get more.. when I've got time.^.^